Jan 24, 2007

Cain & Abel

Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols..

More info here.

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition trial software

Download the free trial and find a crack for the activation. Here you go.

Microsoft Office 2007 Free Trial

If you want to try the new flavor of Microsoft Office Here you go.
With a new layout it could take awhile to get used to.

Jan 21, 2007


Microsoft takes on Adobe

Microsoft has decided to take on Adobe by building a suite of products for web designers and creative professionals. Take free trial for a test spin.

Skip Re-Activation When you Reinstall Windows

A reinstall of Windows XP (even if its on the same PC) requires re-activation with Microsoft. Some versions of XP require you to actually call Microsoft after a certain number of activations have already been performed to get it activated again. This howto shows how to bypass all this by backing up your activation files.

Backup Your Activation Files

You need to make a copy of and save on CD two files in your Windows\system32 folder. The files are wpa.dbl and wpa.bak.

Restore Your Activation Files

If you need to restore your activation files after a fresh install boot your computer in Safe Mode by pressing F8 on your keyboard repeatedly while the computer is booting up.

Once your computer is booted in safe mode, rename the current wpa.dbl to wpa.nonactivated and wpa.bat to wpabak.nonactivated in the Windows\system32 directory.

Please Note: In order to view or change a file’s file extension (.dbl) you might need to open My Documents, click Tools, select Folder Options, click the View Tab, uncheck Hide Extensions For Known File Types.

Copy you backed up activation files to the Windows\system32 folder.

When you restart your computer, Windows XP should be activated.

Free Software, Programs And Games To Download

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  • Windows Media Player 11
  • Live CD's
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  • PCLinuxOS (Operation System FREE)
  • FreeBSD (Operating System FREE)
  • Ubuntu (Operation System FREE)
  • SUSE Linux (Operating System FREE)
  • PortableApps.com (Portable Apps For USB Drives)
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  • Pando (File Transfer Program BETA)
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  • Super (Video Converter FREE)
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  • FireFox (Internet Browser FREE)
  • Thunder Bird (E-mail Program FREE)
  • Sunbird (Calendar Program FREE)
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  • Winamp (Media Player FREE)
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  • Spyware Doctor (Anti Spyware Program)
  • System Merchanic (All In One PC Optimization)
  • MojoMaster (Visualizer For Winamp FREE)
  • How-To: 4 Steps to More Easily Recover Files

    Since we are going to be working with DOS on this one, it helps to gather some information ahead of time. You’ll want to know the location of the files you are trying to recover on the dead drive (e.g. ‘D:\My Pictures\Photos‘) as well as where you’ll want any salvaged files saved (e.g. ‘C:\Backup\Photos‘).
    In Windows XP, open the start menu and click on Run. When the dialog box appears, enter cmd and hit enter.

    You should now be presented with an open DOS window. This is where you will enter the xcopy command. The format is as follows:
    xcopy “[location of files to be copied]” “[directory where the files should be copied]” /C /H /E /Y
    So, if were were to use my earlier examples, the command would appear as so:
    xcopy “D:\My Pictures\Photos” “C:\Backup\Photos” /C /H /E /Y
    A quick explanation of a few things:
    While I use them each time (it’s just easier that way), the quotes are necessary only if any of your directory paths contain spaces in them. If you don’t use quotes, you will end up with a “Invalid number of parameters” error.
    The various flags each allow this process to go much more smoothly:
    /C continues the copying process if errors (like a corrupted file) occur.
    /H ensures any hidden or system files will be copied.
    /E tells the system to copy any sub-directories it may find, even if they are empty.
    /Y suppresses any prompts asking you to confirm your desire to overwrite existing files in the destination directory. This is, obviously, optional.
    This could take a while. The system will move through each file, skipping over any which produce errors. If your drive is extremely corrupted, this could mean recovering only a few files. The unfortunate thing about this tip is that it doesn’t improve your chances if recovering files, it simply makes it easier to recover those files which dodged the bullet.

    How to access the internet via Microsoft Calculator

    How to access the internet via your standard Microsoft Calculator or HELP menu
    When your browser(s) is/are messed up for some unexplainable reason

    1. Open your MS Calculator. This is normally found in Start => All Programs => Accessories => Calculator. (If using "HELP" (start/help) skip to 3)
    2. Open the help-window by pressing the F1 key.
    3. Click the top-left corner icon of the help window once (Standard is a Document with a Questionmark).
    4. Select Go to URL-address. (Or "Jump to URL")
    5. Type your address into the avaliable field, but remember to type http://, and not just www. (or equivalent).(After the first entry you can just use 'WWW')

    A picture is worth a thousand words

    Play Pinball While Installing XP.

    This guide will show you how to play pinball while installing XP, No More Watching the bars going across the screen, and reading microsofts lame messages

    Ok, There are Two Ways you can do this,

    1. Get a Second Computer, Go to Start>All Programs>Games>Pinball, HAHA, ok, now onto the real guide

    Ok, The Trick is to wait for the pinball file to be coppied, not hard, usually right after it asks for product key, or sometimes after "copying files" is like 3/4 of the way done

    SHIFT-F10 for command prompt
    cd \
    cd "Program Files"
    cd "Windows NT"
    cd Pinball

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